Website Design Latrobe Valley – Traralgon, Morwell, Moe, Sale City, Churchill, Trafalgar

Here are just a few of the 400+ websites we have built over the past 21 years
Image Direct are your “go-to” people for website design in the Latrobe Valley and beyond. Is your Graphic Designer still promising to get that concept worked up for you? Do you instead want to deal with a real web designer who works right next to the guys who code it? Call in to see us at our shop-front studio in Seymour Street, Traralgon or ring us at (03) 5174 0576.
Modern Web Design
Gone are the days of having an ‘online brochure’. Your website needs to perform and deliver much more than giving someone your phone number. Your customers surfing the net have less time than ever before. Great SEO and coding by developers who know what they are doing will get customers to the front door of your website, and excellent website design by professional graphic designers will have those customers explore further.
Don’t be duped by the Graphic Designer who charges $1,000 for a website that is a ‘work of art’ but can’t be found on Google and confuses consumers once they get to the front door (i.e. the home page). Worse still is the Graphic Designer who adds massive amounts of photos and images that take far too long to download.
A picture says a 1000 words, but text is king
People type text into a Google Search – not photos, not colours, text. True, your website needs to convey that your business has a consistent brand, look and feel. A great Graphic Designer should allow for captivating content that moves the online consumer (your potential customer) further along the buying cycle. Call us and we’ll show you how this can be achieved, on time and on budget.
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